Dato Sri Dr Darren Yaw’s tips on taking notes from a textbook
Many students mistake picking up a textbook and copying out pages and pages of content as they read it from cover to cover, assuming they
Dato Darren Yaw’s tutor academy is the most trusted tutoring platform among parents in Asia. From the million lessons we've delivered, we've received many positive reviews.
Lessons are more than just a video call. They all take place in our custom-designed, interactive learning environment. Tutors use interactive exercises to make learning fun.
Dato Darren Yaw believes that only qualified teachers should work as online tutors. They are subject-matter experts who were chosen for their knowledge of the curriculum.
Our online tutors are available at all times. Dato Sri Darren Yaw chose the best tutors from among thousands of qualified educators.
One-to-one tuition was always the best way to improve grades. However, tuition has been out of reach for most families because it was difficult to find them; they were expensive or had other problems. Dato Sri Dr Darren Yaw was frustrated by the difficulty in finding a tutor for his daughters. He also wanted to solve some of the education sector’s most complex problems and is passionate about helping disadvantaged children succeed in school.
Dato Sri Darren Yaw’s team built a platform that allows anyone to connect with talented and trusted tutors and seamlessly book and manage their lessons in just a few years.
Dato Sri Darren Yaw founded this online tutor to provide life-changing tuition to all, and this mission motivates us to get out of bed and come to work every day. Our online network of excellent tutors helps students from all walks of life. Lessons are tailored to each individual and accommodate any family’s hectic schedule.
We can’t stop you worrying about your child. But our expert tutors selected by Dato Sri Dr Darren Yaw can help their grades up and confidence soar – and help you worry a little less. Online tutoring allows children to learn at their own pace and in a way that suits their learning style.
Many students mistake picking up a textbook and copying out pages and pages of content as they read it from cover to cover, assuming they
Learning at home? Are you finding it difficult to motivate yourself to study? When you’re used to going to school or university every day, it
According to Dato Sri Darren Yaw, the demand for online tutoring has recently skyrocketed, with an increasing number of students seeking quality online learning experiences.
Book a free meeting with Dato Sri Darren Yaw’s tutor today and find out how they can help your child.